I will give an intrinsic characterization below for what this unit class modulo 12th powers means, which may be viewed as an answer of sorts: it expresses the obstruction to extracting the 12th root of a certain canonical isomorphism between 1212th powers of line bundles (and so one could shift the answer to: where does the need to extract such a 12th root come up?)
For any ring $R$, the group $R^{\times}/(R^{\times})^{12}$ naturally maps into the degree-1 fppf cohomology of $\mu_{12}$ over ${\rm{Spec}}(R)$, so it classifies isomorphism classes of certain $\mu_{12}$-torsors for the fppf topology over this base. (Namely, those $\mu_{12}$-torsors whose pushout to a $\mathbf{G} _m$-torsor is trivial.)
That being said, regardless of whether or not the line bundle $\omega_{E/S}$ is trivial (though it always is when $S$ is local), the line bundle $\omega_{E/S}^{\otimes 12}$ is canonically trivial (in a manner that is compatible with base change and functorial in isomorphisms of elliptic curves): that is the meaning of the classical fact that the product of $\Delta$ with the 12th power of the section ${\rm{d}}x/(2y+\dots)$ is invariant under choice of Weierstrass model. This also underlies Mumford's calculation (recently revisited by Fulton-Olsson) of the Picard group of the moduli stack of elliptic curves as $\mathbf{Z}/12\mathbf{Z}$, which one could regard as providing a distinguished role to that trivialization. Working with the compactified moduli stack over $\mathbf{Z}$ (so allowing generalized elliptic curves with geometrically irreducible but possibly non-smooth fibers, and hence working with relative dualizing sheaf to generalize $\omega_{E/S}$ when allowing non-smooth fibers), the trivialization (which we could generously attribute to Ramanujan) is unique up to a sign, which in turn is nailed down by the Tate curve over $\mathbf{Z}[[q]]$ and the isomorphism of its formal group with $\widehat{\mathbf{G}}_m$. So this trivialization is really a canonical thing, independent of any theory of Weierstrass models.