Edit. I checked "Cardinal algebras" and Wehrung's papers about POMs and I did not find this method, but I assure you that I did not invent it. Moreover, the method also works (and is used) more generally when $C$-structures are induced only on initial intervals $[0,b]$ (and not always on all intervals $[a,b]$). When $C$ is a class of lattices with additional operations which is first order definable (resp. quasi-variety, variety, finitely axiomatisable) then $C'$ also is. In this specific case: when $C$ is the class of Heyting algebas, then $C'$ is the class of distributive lattices with $0$ such that every interval $[0,a]$ is pseudo-complemented; as operations (besides lattice join and meet) one can use the constant $0$ (first order definable from the lattice, but for an equational definition it is useful to specify it in the same way as the unit is specified in the usual equational definition of groups) and the binary operation "pseudo-complement of $x$ in $x\vee y$" (a sefl-residuation operation, see Birkoff, lattice theory) i.e. the largest subelement of $x\vee y$ disjoint from $x$. When adding the constant $1$ one has then exactly Heyting algebras; equations in $C$ not using $1$ or the "total" pseudo-complement (of an element in $1$) are also valid in $C'$, and conversely each identity for $C$ can be relativized to an identity valid in $C'$ by replacing $1$ with a new variable $z$ and the absolute pseudo-complement operation by the relative pseudo-complement in $z$; each variable $x$ in the original equation is replaced by $x\wedge z$. This is general: since the initial intervals of a $C'$-structure are $C$-structures, and $C$-structures are exactly the $C'$-structures with a top element, then $C$ generates the same variety (resp. quasivariety) than $C'$ in the (topless) language of $C'$.
As essentially noted by Wouter Stekelenburg, one can do all this also starting with the dual of Heyting algebras (another class $C$ that satisfies the above conditions), and obtain another interesting variety $C'$ (even if it might not be the variety you are interested in).