Edits The nomenclature of the original answer have been amended to parallel the (higher-rated) "Lessons from crystallographic classificationLessons from crystallographic classification;" on the grounds that both classification problems---crystallographic and runtime---are eminently practical, such that both problems were studied by engineers and scientists long before mathematicians.
These two problems are similar too in their various overlaps and natural affinities with respect to PvsNP (as the answers summarize). Henry Cohn's thoughtful remarksthoughtful remarks helped me to appreciate these parallels.
Historical Provenance (per Henry Cohn's commentcomment) In the decades prior to WWII, the engineering question "What maximal accuracy is compatible with real-time computation of firing solutions?" was pragmatically answered by computational devices such as the (then-secret) Mark 1 Fire Control Computer, and was fictionally addressed in charming stories such as E. E. "Doc" Smith's The Vortex Blaster.