I know that for a CTMCcontinuous-time Markov chain, the probability of transition from time $0$ to $t$ is given by $P(t)=e^{Q(t)t}$. I have a system of $N$ interdependent CTMCscontinuous-time Markov chains evolving simultaneously. Each of the $N$ CTMCsMarkov chains can be in state 0 or 1 and the state of CTMCMarkov chain $k$ at time $t$ is given by $X_k(t)$. The rate matrix of CTMCMarkov chain $i$ is
$$Q_i=\left[ \begin{matrix} -\sum_{j=1}^N \lambda_{ji}I_{X_j(t)=1} & \sum_{j=1}^N \lambda_{ji}I_{X_j(t)=1}\\ \mu_i & -\mu_i \end{matrix}\right]$$
In such a coupled system of CTMCsMarkov chains, the forumula $P(X_i(t)=1\mid X_i(0)=0)$ is no longer the $(0,1)^{th}$ entry of $e^{Q_i t}$, since $Q_i$ in turn depends on the states in other CTMCsMarkov chains. How does one proceed to find $P(.)$ in such coupled CTMCMarkov chain systems?