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There are examples of metrics with the same geodesics on one manifold. You may find a discussion about them in Can one recover a metric from geodesics?Can one recover a metric from geodesics?

The short summery of the examples from the answer in the following: for any two metrics $g_1$ on $M_1$ and $g_2$ on $M_2$ the product metrics $g=g_1+ g_2$ and $\bar g= 2g_1 + g_2$ on $M_1 + M_2$ have the same geodesics considered as PARAMETERIZED curves.

If you consder geodesics as curves without preferable parameterisation on them, a local example of two 2-dim metrics that have the same geodesics is due to Dini 1869 and is (for arbitrary functions $X(x)$ and $Y(y)$ such that the next formulas do correspond to metrics) $$g= (X(x)- Y(y))(dx^2 + dy^2) \ \ and \ \ \bar g= \left(\tfrac{1}{Y(y)}- \tfrac{1}{X(x)}\right)\left(\tfrac{dx^2}{X(x)} + \tfrac{dy^2}{Y(y)}\right).$$ The example can be generalized for any dimension (Levi-Civita 1896), and the formulas of Dini and Levi-Civita are actually local normal forms of metrics having the same geodesics (see the discussion in, where also metrics of indefinite signature are discussed).

If you are interested in metrics having the same geodesics with a biinvariant metric, then only the first example is possible. More precisly, if a bi-invariant Riemannian metric $g$ has the same geodesics considered as unparameterised curves with a metric $\bar g$, then parameterised geodesics of these two metrics are also the same. Moreover, the second metric is also bi-invariant and moreover the metric $g$ in the appropriate coordinate system has the form $g_0+ g_1 +...+g_k$ such that $g_0$ is $dx_1^2 +...+ dx^2_{k_0}$ and the metric $\bar g$ in the same coordinate system has the form $g'_0 + \lambda_1 g_1 + ...+ \lambda_kg_k$, where $\lambda_i$ are constants and $g'_0$ is $\sum_{i,j=1}^{k_0} C_{ij} dx_idx_j$, where $C_{ij}$ is a constant matrix.

This follows from the result of Sinjukov (Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 98, (1954) 21--23) , see the discussion in Geodesic transformations of the complex projective planeGeodesic transformations of the complex projective plane

See also the question/answer in A property of bi-invarient Finsler metrics on SU(N)A property of bi-invarient Finsler metrics on SU(N) which is also related

There are examples of metrics with the same geodesics on one manifold. You may find a discussion about them in Can one recover a metric from geodesics?

The short summery of the examples from the answer in the following: for any two metrics $g_1$ on $M_1$ and $g_2$ on $M_2$ the product metrics $g=g_1+ g_2$ and $\bar g= 2g_1 + g_2$ on $M_1 + M_2$ have the same geodesics considered as PARAMETERIZED curves.

If you consder geodesics as curves without preferable parameterisation on them, a local example of two 2-dim metrics that have the same geodesics is due to Dini 1869 and is (for arbitrary functions $X(x)$ and $Y(y)$ such that the next formulas do correspond to metrics) $$g= (X(x)- Y(y))(dx^2 + dy^2) \ \ and \ \ \bar g= \left(\tfrac{1}{Y(y)}- \tfrac{1}{X(x)}\right)\left(\tfrac{dx^2}{X(x)} + \tfrac{dy^2}{Y(y)}\right).$$ The example can be generalized for any dimension (Levi-Civita 1896), and the formulas of Dini and Levi-Civita are actually local normal forms of metrics having the same geodesics (see the discussion in, where also metrics of indefinite signature are discussed).

If you are interested in metrics having the same geodesics with a biinvariant metric, then only the first example is possible. More precisly, if a bi-invariant Riemannian metric $g$ has the same geodesics considered as unparameterised curves with a metric $\bar g$, then parameterised geodesics of these two metrics are also the same. Moreover, the second metric is also bi-invariant and moreover the metric $g$ in the appropriate coordinate system has the form $g_0+ g_1 +...+g_k$ such that $g_0$ is $dx_1^2 +...+ dx^2_{k_0}$ and the metric $\bar g$ in the same coordinate system has the form $g'_0 + \lambda_1 g_1 + ...+ \lambda_kg_k$, where $\lambda_i$ are constants and $g'_0$ is $\sum_{i,j=1}^{k_0} C_{ij} dx_idx_j$, where $C_{ij}$ is a constant matrix.

This follows from the result of Sinjukov (Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 98, (1954) 21--23) , see the discussion in Geodesic transformations of the complex projective plane

See also the question/answer in A property of bi-invarient Finsler metrics on SU(N) which is also related

There are examples of metrics with the same geodesics on one manifold. You may find a discussion about them in Can one recover a metric from geodesics?

The short summery of the examples from the answer in the following: for any two metrics $g_1$ on $M_1$ and $g_2$ on $M_2$ the product metrics $g=g_1+ g_2$ and $\bar g= 2g_1 + g_2$ on $M_1 + M_2$ have the same geodesics considered as PARAMETERIZED curves.

If you consder geodesics as curves without preferable parameterisation on them, a local example of two 2-dim metrics that have the same geodesics is due to Dini 1869 and is (for arbitrary functions $X(x)$ and $Y(y)$ such that the next formulas do correspond to metrics) $$g= (X(x)- Y(y))(dx^2 + dy^2) \ \ and \ \ \bar g= \left(\tfrac{1}{Y(y)}- \tfrac{1}{X(x)}\right)\left(\tfrac{dx^2}{X(x)} + \tfrac{dy^2}{Y(y)}\right).$$ The example can be generalized for any dimension (Levi-Civita 1896), and the formulas of Dini and Levi-Civita are actually local normal forms of metrics having the same geodesics (see the discussion in, where also metrics of indefinite signature are discussed).

If you are interested in metrics having the same geodesics with a biinvariant metric, then only the first example is possible. More precisly, if a bi-invariant Riemannian metric $g$ has the same geodesics considered as unparameterised curves with a metric $\bar g$, then parameterised geodesics of these two metrics are also the same. Moreover, the second metric is also bi-invariant and moreover the metric $g$ in the appropriate coordinate system has the form $g_0+ g_1 +...+g_k$ such that $g_0$ is $dx_1^2 +...+ dx^2_{k_0}$ and the metric $\bar g$ in the same coordinate system has the form $g'_0 + \lambda_1 g_1 + ...+ \lambda_kg_k$, where $\lambda_i$ are constants and $g'_0$ is $\sum_{i,j=1}^{k_0} C_{ij} dx_idx_j$, where $C_{ij}$ is a constant matrix.

This follows from the result of Sinjukov (Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 98, (1954) 21--23) , see the discussion in Geodesic transformations of the complex projective plane

See also the question/answer in A property of bi-invarient Finsler metrics on SU(N) which is also related

I add the reference on one more mathoverflow tread
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There are examples of metrics with the same geodesics on one manifold. You may find a discussion about them in Can one recover a metric from geodesics?

The short summery of the examples from the answer in the following: for any two metrics $g_1$ on $M_1$ and $g_2$ on $M_2$ the product metrics $g=g_1+ g_2$ and $\bar g= 2g_1 + g_2$ on $M_1 + M_2$ have the same geodesics considered as PARAMETERIZED curves.

If you consder geodesics as curves without preferable parameterisation on them, a local example of two 2-dim metrics that have the same geodesics is due to Dini 1869 and is (for arbitrary functions $X(x)$ and $Y(y)$ such that the next formulas do correspond to metrics) $$g= (X(x)- Y(y))(dx^2 + dy^2) \ \ and \ \ \bar g= \left(\tfrac{1}{Y(y)}- \tfrac{1}{X(x)}\right)\left(\tfrac{dx^2}{X(x)} + \tfrac{dy^2}{Y(y)}\right).$$ The example can be generalized for any dimension (Levi-Civita 1896), and the formulas of Dini and Levi-Civita are actually local normal forms of metrics having the same geodesics (see the discussion in, where also metrics of indefinite signature are discussed).

If you are interested in metrics having the same geodesics with a biinvariant metric, then only the first example is possible. More precisly, if a bi-invariant Riemannian metric $g$ has the same geodesics considered as unparameterised curves with a metric $\bar g$, then parameterised geodesics of these two metrics are also the same. Moreover, the second metric is also bi-invariant and moreover the metric $g$ in the appropriate coordinate system has the form $g_0+ g_1 +...+g_k$ such that $g_0$ is $dx_1^2 +...+ dx^2_{k_0}$ and the metric $\bar g$ in the same coordinate system has the form $g'_0 + \lambda_1 g_1 + ...+ \lambda_kg_k$, where $\lambda_i$ are constants and $g'_0$ is $\sum_{i,j=1}^{k_0} C_{ij} dx_idx_j$, where $C_{ij}$ is a constant matrix.

This follows from the result of Sinjukov (Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 98, (1954) 21--23) , see the discussion in Geodesic transformations of the complex projective plane

See also the question/answer in A property of bi-invarient Finsler metrics on SU(N) which is also related

There are examples of metrics with the same geodesics on one manifold. You may find a discussion about them in Can one recover a metric from geodesics?

The short summery of the examples from the answer in the following: for any two metrics $g_1$ on $M_1$ and $g_2$ on $M_2$ the product metrics $g=g_1+ g_2$ and $\bar g= 2g_1 + g_2$ on $M_1 + M_2$ have the same geodesics considered as PARAMETERIZED curves.

If you consder geodesics as curves without preferable parameterisation on them, a local example of two 2-dim metrics that have the same geodesics is due to Dini 1869 and is (for arbitrary functions $X(x)$ and $Y(y)$ such that the next formulas do correspond to metrics) $$g= (X(x)- Y(y))(dx^2 + dy^2) \ \ and \ \ \bar g= \left(\tfrac{1}{Y(y)}- \tfrac{1}{X(x)}\right)\left(\tfrac{dx^2}{X(x)} + \tfrac{dy^2}{Y(y)}\right).$$ The example can be generalized for any dimension (Levi-Civita 1896), and the formulas of Dini and Levi-Civita are actually local normal forms of metrics having the same geodesics (see the discussion in, where also metrics of indefinite signature are discussed).

If you are interested in metrics having the same geodesics with a biinvariant metric, then only the first example is possible. More precisly, if a bi-invariant Riemannian metric $g$ has the same geodesics considered as unparameterised curves with a metric $\bar g$, then parameterised geodesics of these two metrics are also the same. Moreover, the second metric is also bi-invariant and moreover the metric $g$ in the appropriate coordinate system has the form $g_0+ g_1 +...+g_k$ such that $g_0$ is $dx_1^2 +...+ dx^2_{k_0}$ and the metric $\bar g$ in the same coordinate system has the form $g'_0 + \lambda_1 g_1 + ...+ \lambda_kg_k$, where $\lambda_i$ are constants and $g'_0$ is $\sum_{i,j=1}^{k_0} C_{ij} dx_idx_j$, where $C_{ij}$ is a constant matrix.

This follows from the result of Sinjukov (Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 98, (1954) 21--23) , see the discussion in Geodesic transformations of the complex projective plane

There are examples of metrics with the same geodesics on one manifold. You may find a discussion about them in Can one recover a metric from geodesics?

The short summery of the examples from the answer in the following: for any two metrics $g_1$ on $M_1$ and $g_2$ on $M_2$ the product metrics $g=g_1+ g_2$ and $\bar g= 2g_1 + g_2$ on $M_1 + M_2$ have the same geodesics considered as PARAMETERIZED curves.

If you consder geodesics as curves without preferable parameterisation on them, a local example of two 2-dim metrics that have the same geodesics is due to Dini 1869 and is (for arbitrary functions $X(x)$ and $Y(y)$ such that the next formulas do correspond to metrics) $$g= (X(x)- Y(y))(dx^2 + dy^2) \ \ and \ \ \bar g= \left(\tfrac{1}{Y(y)}- \tfrac{1}{X(x)}\right)\left(\tfrac{dx^2}{X(x)} + \tfrac{dy^2}{Y(y)}\right).$$ The example can be generalized for any dimension (Levi-Civita 1896), and the formulas of Dini and Levi-Civita are actually local normal forms of metrics having the same geodesics (see the discussion in, where also metrics of indefinite signature are discussed).

If you are interested in metrics having the same geodesics with a biinvariant metric, then only the first example is possible. More precisly, if a bi-invariant Riemannian metric $g$ has the same geodesics considered as unparameterised curves with a metric $\bar g$, then parameterised geodesics of these two metrics are also the same. Moreover, the second metric is also bi-invariant and moreover the metric $g$ in the appropriate coordinate system has the form $g_0+ g_1 +...+g_k$ such that $g_0$ is $dx_1^2 +...+ dx^2_{k_0}$ and the metric $\bar g$ in the same coordinate system has the form $g'_0 + \lambda_1 g_1 + ...+ \lambda_kg_k$, where $\lambda_i$ are constants and $g'_0$ is $\sum_{i,j=1}^{k_0} C_{ij} dx_idx_j$, where $C_{ij}$ is a constant matrix.

This follows from the result of Sinjukov (Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 98, (1954) 21--23) , see the discussion in Geodesic transformations of the complex projective plane

See also the question/answer in A property of bi-invarient Finsler metrics on SU(N) which is also related

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There are examples of metrics with the same geodesics on one manifold. You may find a discussion about them in Can one recover a metric from geodesics?

The short summery of the examples from the answer in the following: for any two metrics $g_1$ on $M_1$ and $g_2$ on $M_2$ the product metrics $g=g_1+ g_2$ and $\bar g= 2g_1 + g_2$ on $M_1 + M_2$ have the same geodesics considered as PARAMETERIZED curves.

If you consder geodesics as curves without preferable parameterisation on them, a local example of two 2-dim metrics that have the same geodesics is due to Dini 1869 and is (for arbitrary functions $X(x)$ and $Y(y)$ such that the next formulas do correspond to metrics) $$g= (X(x)- Y(y))(dx^2 + dy^2) \ \ and \ \ \bar g= \left(\tfrac{1}{Y(y)}- \tfrac{1}{X(x)}\right)\left(\tfrac{dx^2}{X(x)} + \tfrac{dy^2}{Y(y)}\right).$$ The example can be generalized for any dimension (Levi-Civita 1896), and the formulas of Dini and Levi-Civita are actually local normal forms of metrics having the same geodesics (see the discussion in, where also metrics of indefinite signature are discussed).

If you are interested in metrics having the same geodesics with a biinvariant metric, then only the first example is possible. More precisly, if a bi-invariant Riemannian metric $g$ has the same geodesics considered as unparameterised curves with a metric $\bar g$, then parameterised geodesics of these two metrics are also the same. Moreover, the second metric is also bi-invariant and moreover the metric $g$ in the appropriate coordinate system has the form $g_0+ g_1 +...+g_k$ such that $g_0$ is $dx_1^2 +...+ dx^2_{k_0}$ and the metric $\bar g$ in the same coordinate system has the form $g'_0 + \lambda_1 g_1 + ...+ \lambda_kg_k$, where $\lambda_i$ are constants and $g'_0$ is $\sum_{i,j=1}^{k_0} C_{ij} dx_idx_j$, where $C_{ij}$ is a constant matrix.

This follows from the result of Sinjukov (Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 98, (1954) 21--23) , see the discussion in Geodesic transformations of the complex projective plane