This is a continuation of various questions about Chevalley groups over rings, cf thesethese two questionsquestions (and a rather bad question of mine herehere). Consider a semisimple Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$ over $\mathbb C$ and let $G$ be the associated simply-connected algebraic group over $\mathbb C$. Let $A$ be a $\mathbb C$-algebra. We may construct the map algebra $ \mathfrak g_A := \mathfrak g \otimes_{\mathbb C} A $, which is a Lie algebra with bracket given by $ [X \otimes f, Y \otimes g] = [X, Y]\otimes fg $ for all $X, Y \in \mathfrak g$ and $f, g \in A$. We then have the enveloping algebra $ U(\mathfrak g_A) $ of $ \mathfrak g_A $. As this is a cocommutative Hopf algebra over $\mathbb C$, it should be the hyperalgebra of an associated $ \mathbb C $-group scheme (which will in general not be of finite type over $\mathbb C$, of course). I am wondering what this group scheme is. Note that the naive guess of $ G_A = G \times_{ \textrm{Spec} \mathbb C } \textrm{Spec} A $ is not correct; indeed, this is not even a $\mathbb C$-group scheme functor (it is only an $A$-group scheme functor).
I have the following guess: there should be a $\mathbb C$-group scheme representing the functor $B \mapsto \textrm{Hom}_{\mathbb C-\textrm{schemes}}( \textrm{Spec} \big(A \otimes_{\mathbb C} B), \, G \big)$ for all $\mathbb C$-algebras $B$. In the case that $A$ is a finite-dimensional $\mathbb C$-algebra, this functor is represented by the Weil restriction of $G_A$. However, in general, I don't know if (1) this functor is representable by a $\mathbb C$-group scheme, and (2) if it is, I don't know if its hyperalgebra is actually $U(\mathfrak g_A)$. To refine the question at the end of the first paragraph above, I am wondering if (1) and (2) are actually true, in which case this does answer my question.