Let $\{p_0,\dots,p_{n-1}\}$ be an enumeration of all variables occurring in $A$, and if $e$ is any Boolean assignment $e\colon\{p_i:i<n\}\to\{0,1\}$, put $$p^e:=\ET_{e(p_i)=1}p_i\land\ET_{r(p_i)=0}\neg p_i.$$ We can write an arbitrary Boolean formula $B$ in the full conjunctive normal form $$\vdash_{\mathrm{CPC}}B\leftrightarrow\ET_{e(B)=0}\neg p^e.$$ Since $v$ makes true all axioms of type (2), we have $$\tag{$*$}v(\Box B)=v\Bigl(\ET_{e(B)=0}\Box\neg p^e\Bigr).$$ Let $e_0$ be the restriction of $v$ to variables, and put $$E=\{e:v(\Box\neg p^e)=0\}.$$ Define a Kripke model $M=\langle W,R,\models\rangle$ by \begin{align*} W&=E\cup\{e_0\},\\ e\mathrel R e'&\EQ\begin{cases} e'\in E&\text{if $e=e_0$,}\\ e=e'&\text{otherwise,} \end{cases}\\ e\models p_i&\EQ e(p_i)=1. \end{align*} In other words, $M$ is a tree of height $\le2$ with root $e_0$, and reflexive leaves $e\in E\smallsetminus\{e_0\}$. The root is reflexive iff $e_0\in E$. It follows immediately from $(*)$ and the definition that $$\tag{$**$}v(B)=1\iff M,e_0\models B$$$$\tag{$*{*}$}v(B)=1\iff M,e_0\models B$$ for every formula $B$ of degree $\le1$, in particular $M,e_0\nvDash A$.
It remains to verify that $\langle W,R\rangle$ is an $S$-frame. Since every subset $X\subseteq W$ is definable by a Boolean formula in $M$ (namely, $\LOR_{e\in X}p^e$), it suffices to show that $M$ satisfies all Boolean substitution instances of $S$-axioms. Every such instance $B$ is an axiom of the type (3), hence $(**)$ gives immediately that $M,e_0\models B$. In order to verify $M,e\models B$ for $e\ne e_0$, let $\theta$ be the Boolean substitution $$\theta(p_i)=\begin{cases}\top&\text{if $e(p_i)=1$,}\\\bot&\text{otherwise.}\end{cases}$$ Then $$M,e'\models\theta(C)\iff M,e_0\models C$$$$\tag{$*{*}{*}$}M,e'\models\theta(C)\iff M,e\models C$$ for every $e'\in W$ and every formula $C$ by induction on the complexity of $C$. (The induction step for $\Box$ needs that $e_0$ has a successor, i.e., $E$ is nonempty. This follows from the assumption $e\ne e_0$.) Since we already know that $M,e_0\models\theta(B)$, we obtain $M,e\models B$ by taking $C=B$ and $e'=e_0$ in $(*{*}*)$.