There is no relation between hypercompleteness and the property that Čech cohomology agrees with genuine cohomology, i.e., there is no implication either way. For example, étale cohomology of nice schemes can be computed using Čech cohomology even though the small étale (∞,1)-topos is typically not hypercomplete, and, conversely, Zariski cohomology cannot always be computed as Čech cohomology, even though the small Zariski (∞,1)-topos is often hypercomplete (for any noetherian scheme of finite Krull dimension).
Verdier's hypercovering theorem, which says that hypercovers can be used to compute cohomology, follows from the existence of a category of fibrant objects on locally fibrant simplicial presheaves in which hypercovers are the acyclic fibrations. There is no such thing for Čech covers, or even, as far as I know, for bounded hypercovers. In fact, since an (∞,1)-topos and its hypercompletion have the same cohomology, hypercovers also compute the cohomology in the Čech localization of $sPre(C)$.
Update: The reason that $sPre(C)_{Cech}$ and $sPre(C)_{hyper}$ have the same cohomology is that the Eilenberg–Mac Lane object $K(A,n)∈ sPre(C)_{Cech}$, which is a fibrant replacement of the presheaf $U\mapsto K(A(U),n)$, is already local with respect to all hypercovers, so it’s already fibrant in $sPre(C)_{hyper}$. This is because $K(A,n)$ is $n$-truncated, i.e., its sheaves of homotopy groups vanish in degree $>n$. So the mapping space from a hypercover $U_\bullet$ into $K(A,n)$ is the same as the mapping space from the $n$-bounded hypercover $cosk_n U_\bullet$ into $K(A,n)$, but every fibrant object in $sPre(C)_{Cech}$ is already local with respect to bounded hypercovers (see Dugger–Hollander–Isaksen).