Suppose that $G$ is a simple $r$-regular graph with $n$ vertices. We say $H$ is a dominating set for $T$, if for every vertex $v\in T$, we have $v\in H$ or there is a vertex $u\in H$ such that $vu\in E(G)$.
It is easy to see that if $T$ is an independent set for $G$, then there exists an independent dominating set $H$ for $T$ such that $| T \cap H |=O(\log n)$.
Question: Suppose that $G$ is an $r$-regular graph with $r\neq 0$. If $T$ is an independent set for $G$, does there exist an independent dominating set $H$ for $T$ such that $T \cap H =\emptyset$?
If the answer to Question is no, does there exist an independent dominating set $H$ for $T$ such that $| T \cap H | =O(\log\log n)$?