I'm working on some palindromic words right now. Those are the elements of F_2$F_2$, the free group on two generators, which are the same if reveresed. For example $xyx, y^2, xyxxyx$ and so on.
Can you write each element of F'$F'$, the derived group, as a product of palindromes of EVEN length? Does this property hold if you are not in F$F$, but in a group G$G$ in which you know that every element is a product of at most n$n$ palindromes? If G$G$ has this property then G$G$ has finite palindromic width.
I've puzzled around quite a bit but can't find a way of even writing $x^{-1}y^{-1}xy$ as a product of palindromes of even length.
Thanks, Elisabeth