I will be so thankful if some onesomeone can help me aboutwith the following question.
Is it possible to obtain all maximal centralizers in the full matrix ring, $M_n(F)$, for an arbitrary finite field $F$? Here, where by maximal centralizer I mean: $C=C_R(x)$ is maximal if $C\subseteq C_R(y)$, then $C=C_R(y)$ or $y\in Z(R)$.
In Akbari et al., Linear Alg. App. 390 (2004) 345-355, in Lemmalemma 3 determines alldetermines all centralizers with maximum dimension. So some of the maximal centralizers are determined. Is it true that the set of centralizercentralizers with maximum dimension and the set of maximal centralizers are equal? Hamid