Siegel - Walfisz theorem states $$\psi(x,q;a)=x/\phi(q)+O(x/\log^Ax)$$when q is small;q is big ,the results is trival . (When is the Siegel-Walfisz theorem non-trivial?)
if $q \ll log^Ax$,we have $$\sum_{x\equiv 1 \bmod q } \Lambda(n)\ge (1-\epsilon) x/\varphi(q).$$
(Prime numbers in arithmetic progressions : uniformity with respect to the modulus )
I think q is big, there is no the $\ll$ results as you asked. Since when q is big ,there may be existing Siegel-zeros, then there exist constants 0 < β−, β+ < 1 such that $x^{\beta_{-}}/\beta_{-}\ll x-\phi(q)\pi(x,q;a) \log x \ll x^{\beta}_{+}/ \beta _{+}$. (see section 3 , and or see Theorem (Siegel-Walfisz with a twist). in (Chebyshev function in arithmetic progressionsChebyshev function in arithmetic progressions)