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This is called "Stackification via torsors" in the book by Kai Behrend, Brian Conrad, Dan Edidin, William Fulton, Barbara Fantechi, Lothar Göttsche and Andrew Kresch. See Andrew Kresch's homepage:

more specifically chapter 4, \S 4.

For sure, this is done in the stacks project

but I couldn't find the exact reference (probably the keyword is: quotient stack).

For a more historical point of view, see also the related question Algebraic stacks as (étale) groupoid algebraic spaces/schemesAlgebraic stacks as (étale) groupoid algebraic spaces/schemes .

This is called "Stackification via torsors" in the book by Kai Behrend, Brian Conrad, Dan Edidin, William Fulton, Barbara Fantechi, Lothar Göttsche and Andrew Kresch. See Andrew Kresch's homepage:

more specifically chapter 4, \S 4.

For sure, this is done in the stacks project

but I couldn't find the exact reference (probably the keyword is: quotient stack).

For a more historical point of view, see also the related question Algebraic stacks as (étale) groupoid algebraic spaces/schemes .

This is called "Stackification via torsors" in the book by Kai Behrend, Brian Conrad, Dan Edidin, William Fulton, Barbara Fantechi, Lothar Göttsche and Andrew Kresch. See Andrew Kresch's homepage:

more specifically chapter 4, \S 4.

For sure, this is done in the stacks project

but I couldn't find the exact reference (probably the keyword is: quotient stack).

For a more historical point of view, see also the related question Algebraic stacks as (étale) groupoid algebraic spaces/schemes .

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This is called "Stackification via torsors" in the book by Kai Behrend, Brian Conrad, Dan Edidin, William Fulton, Barbara Fantechi, Lothar Göttsche undand Andrew Kresch. See Andrew Kresch's homepage:

more specifically chapter 4, \S 4.

For sure, this is done in the stacks project

but I couldn't find the exact reference (probably the keyword is: quotient stack).

For a more historical point of view, see also the related question Algebraic stacks as (étale) groupoid algebraic spaces/schemes .

This is called "Stackification via torsors" in the book by Kai Behrend, Brian Conrad, Dan Edidin, William Fulton, Barbara Fantechi, Lothar Göttsche und Andrew Kresch. See Andrew Kresch's homepage:

more specifically chapter 4, \S 4.

For sure, this is done in the stacks project

but I couldn't find the exact reference (probably the keyword is: quotient stack).

For a more historical point of view, see also the related question Algebraic stacks as (étale) groupoid algebraic spaces/schemes .

This is called "Stackification via torsors" in the book by Kai Behrend, Brian Conrad, Dan Edidin, William Fulton, Barbara Fantechi, Lothar Göttsche and Andrew Kresch. See Andrew Kresch's homepage:

more specifically chapter 4, \S 4.

For sure, this is done in the stacks project

but I couldn't find the exact reference (probably the keyword is: quotient stack).

For a more historical point of view, see also the related question Algebraic stacks as (étale) groupoid algebraic spaces/schemes .

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This is called "Stackification via torsors" in the book by Kai Behrend, Brian Conrad, Dan Edidin, William Fulton, Barbara Fantechi, Lothar Göttsche und Andrew Kresch. See Andrew Kresch's homepage:

more specifically chapter 4, \S 4.

For sure, this is done in the stacks project

but I couldn't find the exact reference (probably the keyword is: quotient stack).

For a more historical point of view, see also the related question Algebraic stacks as (étale) groupoid algebraic spaces/schemes .