As for the loop algebra, there are $\mathfrak{Vir}_{I}$ and $\mathcal{N}_{pq}^{m}(I)$ generated by $\pi_{pq}^{m}(\mathfrak{Vir}_{I})$.
We obtain the Jones-Wassermann subfactor :
$$\mathcal{N}_{pq}^{m}(I) \subset \mathcal{N}_{pq}^{m}(I^{c})'$$ of index $\frac{sin^{2}(p\pi/m)}{sin^{2}(\pi/m)}.\frac{sin^{2}(q\pi/m)}{sin^{2}(\pi/m)}$$\frac{sin^{2}(p\pi/m)}{sin^{2}(\pi/m)}.\frac{sin^{2}(q\pi/(m+1))}{sin^{2}(\pi/(m+1))}$.
Its principal graph is given by the fusion rules :
$$H_{pq}^{m} \boxtimes H_{p'q'}^{m} = \bigoplus_{(i'',j'') \in \langle i,i' \rangle_{\ell} \times \langle j,j' \rangle_{\ell + 1} }H_{p''q''}^{m}$$ with $p=2i+1, q=2j+1, p'=2i'+1, ..., m=\ell+2$
I have added the information that $\ell$ is called the level of the representation.
Sebastien Palcoux
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I have added a detail about $\ell$ and $m$ for the Temperley-Lieb case.
Sebastien Palcoux
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Sebastien Palcoux
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Sebastien Palcoux
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