Here is an only slightly more direct proof from convex duality and total unimodularity of the constraint matrix.
Let $G = (L \cup R, E)$ be a bipartite graph satisfying Hall's condition, where $|L| = |R| = n$. The matching polytope $P_G$ for this graph is the convex hull of the indicator vectors $x \in \mathbb{R}^E$ of all matchings, and can be written as:
$$ \forall v \in L \cup R: \sum_{e \ni v}{x_{e}} \leq 1\\ \forall e \in E: x_e \geq 0 $$
I.e., if $B$ is the incidence matrix of $G$, then $P_G = \{x: Bx \leq 1, x\geq 0\}$. Let us verify this is the matching polytope. It is clear that all matchings satisfy these constraints, and that all integral points in $P_G$ are matchings. Since the incidence matrix of a bipartite graph is easily seen to be totally unimodular, all vertices of $P_G$ are integral, and we are done.
A maximum cardinality matching in $G$ is naturally formulated as the linear optimization problem $\max\{1^Tx: x\in P_G\}$, whose dual is
$$ \min 1^Ty\\ \text{ subject to}\\ \\ \forall e=(u,v) \in E: y_u + y_v \geq 1\\ \forall u \in L \cup R: y_u\geq 0 $$
(Notice the solution to the above linear optimization problem is just the size of the minimum vertex cover of $G$.) By (strong) duality, which is a consequence of the Hahn-Banach theorem, $G$ has a matching of size $n$ if and only if the optimum of the above program is at least $n$. To prove Hall's theorem we must show that if the above optimization problem has optimal value strictly less than $n$, then Hall's condition is violated. Again by total unimodularity, there exists an integral optimal solution is integral;solution; let $y$ be optimalsuch a solution and take $S = \{u: y_u = 1\}$ and $S_L = S \cap L$, $S_R = S \cap R$. Since $y$ is feasible, $N_G(L \setminus S_L) = S_R$, and we have $$ |L \setminus S_L| = n - |S_L| = n - |S| + |S_R| > |S_R| = N_G(L \setminus S_L), $$ contradicting Hall's condition.
This approach gives König's theorem immediately, and you get Egerváry's theorem in the weighted case.