Yes, this is trueEDIT. First proveMy previous answer was incorrect. So I replace it for $|x|=1$, then use the homogeneity, and that the. degreeThe answer is no. A counterexample is $$y^{2m}+(z^{m-1}y-x^m)^2.$$ This is of homogeneitydegree $2m$ but $\delta$ is like $\geq 1$$\epsilon^{2m^2}$ near the point $(0,0,1)$.
I found this example in the paper of Kollar and Shiffman, whileTAMS 329 $\mathrm{dist}(x,Z)$ is also homogeneous(1992), on the very first page. They credit it to Lojasiewicz himself, IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, 1965. I do not know how to find this IHES preprint, but Kollar and Shiffman is available of degree $=1$to everyone online.