Let's take up the story at the start; I assume you are working over a field. Let $k$ be a field, and let $G$ be an affine $k$-group scheme of finite type. A $k$-group scheme $M$ is of multiplicative type if any of the following equivalent conditions hold: $M$ is a closed $k$-subgroup of a $k$-torus, $M_K$ is a closed $K$-subgroup of a $K$-torus for some separably closed extension $K/k$, or $M$ is "${\rm{GL}}_1$-dual" to a discrete ${\rm{Gal}}(k_s/k)$-module $M$ finitely generated over $\mathbf{Z}$. (In SGA3 a more general notion is allowed, but it is irrelevant for practical purposes or even theoretical developments of practical interest, so let's ignore it.) There are other characterizations as well, but in lieu of a rationale let's not get into that.
Thus, to give an initial $k$-homomorphism from $G$ to a multiplicative type $k$-group schemes amounts to finding a closed normal $k$-subgroup $H \subset G$ such that (i) $G/H$ is of multiplicative type and (ii) any closed normal $k$-subgroup $H' \subset G$ such that $G/H'$ is of multiplicative type contains $H$. That is, we seek such an $H$ that is "as small as possible" (in the sense of being contained in all others; it is clear that any closed $k$-subgroup of $G$ containing $H$ is normal and yields a multiplicative type quotient since $G/H$ is commutative and every quotient of a multiplicative type $k$-group modulo a closed $k$-subgroup scheme is again of multiplicative type).
Now over $\overline{k}$ we have $$G_{\overline{k}} = T_{\overline{k}} \times \mathcal{R}_u(G_{\overline{k}})$$ as for any smooth connected combativecommutative $\overline{k}$-group, so in other words there is a geometric character $G_{\overline{k}} \rightarrow {\rm{GL}}_1$ that restricts to an isomorphism on $T_{\overline{k}}$. This is visibly the maximal multiplicative type quotient over $\overline{k}$. But as a quotient it does not descend to $k$, or even to $k_s$. Indeed, any such descent would have kernel that descends the geometric unipotent radical, so it suffices to show that for a separable algebraic extension $K/k$ and $K' := k' \otimes_k K$ (a field since $K/k$ is separable!) the $K$-group $G_K = {\rm{R}}_{K'/K}({\rm{GL}}_1)$ contains no nontrivial smooth connected unipotent $K$-subgroup.
Note that in this example $G^{\rm{mult}}$ is nonetheless nontrivial. Indeed, the $p$-power endomorphism of $G$ vanishes on $G/T$, so it is valued in $T$, so that provides a nontrivial $k$-homomorphism $f:G \rightarrow T = {\rm{GL}}_1$. It is an instructive exercise to check that this quotient map $f$ is $G^{\rm{mult}}$ over $k$. (Hint: consider ${\rm{Hom}}_k(G, {\rm{GL}}_1)$ as a subgroup of ${\rm{Hom}}_{\overline{k}}(G_{\overline{k}}, {\rm{GL}}_1)$.)
As another example of failure to commute with non-separable extension of the ground field, using the same notation as in the preceding example, consider the $k$-group scheme $N = {\rm{R}}_{k'/k}(\mu_p)$. This is the $p$-torsion in the preceding example, so $N_{\overline{k}} = \mu_p \times \mathbf{G}_a^{p-1}$. Hence, $(N_{\overline{k}})^{\rm{mult}} = \mu_p$ via the evident quotient map. This does not descend to a quotient of $N$ over $k$ (or over any separable extension of $k$) by a similar argument to the preceding example (using that there is no nontrivial homomorphism over a field from a unipotent group to a multiplicative type group), so $N^{\rm{mult}}=1$.