If you're willing to quotient by a nonreductive group, then $M_n//B$ will get you the $GL(n)$ flag manifold. (People are usually afraid to do so, worrying that the ring of invariants won't be Noetherian, but this one is.)
But that oneThat flag manifold is also available reductively. Let $V_0,V_1\ldots,V_n$ be a list of vector spaces with those dimensions, and let $Hom := \prod_{i=1}^n Hom(V_{i-1},V_i)$. If we quotient this by $GL(V_1)\times \cdots \times GL(V_{n-1})$, it forgets the actual maps and only remembers the images inside $V_n$, so the result is (or to be precise, can be chosen to be) the manifold of flags in $V_n$. I forget whom this is due to, but it's pretty old.
You can get some of this to work for symplectic and orthogonal groups, using the $O(V) \times Sp(W)$ action on $V\otimes W$; the reference I know is [Lerman-Montgomery-Sjamaar].