This answer pieces together the various comments made by Roland Bacher, SJR and gowers abovepreviously. The proposed generalization of Littlewood's conjecture is false.
As suggested by Roland and SJR, take $r$ to be the golden ratio $(1+\sqrt{5})/2$.
Then $x|rx-y| \le 1$ only when $x$ runs over the Fibonacci numbers $F_k$. Now
we want to show that there is an irrational number $s$ such that $F_k s$ is
bounded away from integers.
As suggested by gowers there do exist such $s$ for any lacunary sequence $n_k$ (that is a sequence with $n_{k+1}/n_k \ge 1+ c>1$ for all large $k$), and so in particular for the Fibonacci numbers. This is related to a conjecture of Erdos, that for any lacunary sequence $n_k$ there exist irrational numbers $\alpha$ with $n_k \alpha$ not being dense $\mod 1$. Erdos's problem was settled independently by de Mathan and Pollington in a stronger form, showing that there exist many such $\alpha$. We need in fact that the values $\mod 1$ are bounded away from $0$. This is worked out in detail using Pollington's argument in a recent nice preprint of Haynes and Munday (see Lemma 1 of ).