There's a Littlewood-Richardson calculator here:
I usually use the "SchurRings" package in Macaulay 2 ( ) though. No particular reason why, just that Macaulay 2 is something I am used to using. It's very easy to use, here's an example (it doesn't print correctly on this page) where the 4 in the first command means use 4 variables (so we're working in Gr(4, infinity)).
i1 : S = schurRing(s,4)
o1 = S
o1 : SchurRing
i2 : s_{2,2} * s_{3,1}
o2 = s + s + s + s + s + s + s
5,3 5,2,1 4,3,1 4,2,2 4,2,1,1 3,3,2 3,2,2,1
o2 : S