The following answer attempts to characterize allgives a partial description of the isometry groups of finite-dimensional normed spaces as essentially the closed subgroups of $O(n)$. Perhaps someone could explain which these are, but I guess they are all "finite modulo Euclidean subspaces".
I assume that an isometry is a bijection preserving the distance function. By the Mazur-Ulam theorem it then follows that an isometry is a linear transformation composed with a translation. Thus we may assume without loss of generality that an isometry fixes the origin, so the isometry group is a subgroup of $GL(n)$.
Then I think the isometry groupsgroup of any (real) finite-dimensional normed spaces are exactly the conjugatesspace is conjugate in $GL(n)$ of theto a closed subgroupssubgroup of $O(n)$ that contain $-id$. This is seen as follows.
Consider the John ellipsoid $E$ of the unit ball $B$ of some $n$-dimensional normed space. This is the ellipsoid of largest volume contained in $B$ and, crucially, it is the unique such ellipsoid.
After some choice of basis we may assume that $E$ is the Euclidean ball. An isometry maps $B$ onto $B$, so it must map the John ellipsoid to the John ellipsoid. It follows that the isometry group is a necessarily closed subgroup of $O(n)$ containing $-id$. This subgroup is clearly closed, hence compact.
I'm not so sure, but conversely, take any closed (hence compact)The converse is surely false. The following is an attempt at constructing a norm from such a subgroup $G$ of $O(n)$ containing $-id$. Fix such an orbit $Gv$ by taking $v$ to be a Euclidean unit vector $v$. Then its $Gv$ is a compact set of Euclidean unit vectors. Then, symmetric with respect to the origin. Its convex hull of $Gv\cup -Gv$$Gv$ is still compact and symmetric, so gives a unit ball $B_0$ of some norm on the linear span of $Gv$. If this linear span is all of $\mathbb{R}^n$, then hopefully the only isometries are the elements of $G$. If the linear span is not all of $\mathbb{R}^n$, then the unit ball has to be made full-dimensional in a sufficiently rough way, so as not to add any more isometries.
However, as pointed out by Leonid Kovalev in the comments, there are closed subgroups of $O(n)$, such as $U(n)$, where this construction gives a norm with a strictly larger isometry group (in the case of $U(n)$, the Euclidean norm).
As pointed out by Bill Johnson in a comment to his answer, it was shown by Gordon and Loewy that any $finite$ subgroup of $O(n)$ that contains $-id$ is the isometry group of some norm on $\mathbb{R}^n$. It's still my guess that the only way you can get infinite isometry groups (in the finite-dimensional case) is by having Euclidean subspaces, and for the norm to be so symmetric that it shares all the symmetries of this subspace.