You can find itThe reference is given in the paper you cite: M. Eudave-Mun ̃oz, Primeness and sums of tangles, Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 306, 773-790 (1988)
The arguments are purely combinatorial, but there should be a simplification using sutured manifold theory along the lines of Scharlemann and Thompson's paper "Unknotting number, genus, and companion tori" by Scharlemann and Thompson MR0929535
They use sutured manifold theory to show that if a crossing change reduces the genus of a satellite knot by at least 2 then the loop along which Dehn surgery is done to effect the crossing change can be isotoped to be disjoint from each essential torus.
Off the top of my head, I don't see a way to convert thiseither type of argument into a statementsomething about diagrams.