The other examples with $n=3$ and $q_1 \leq q_2 \leq q_3 \leq 20$ are $(6,17,18)$, $(7,13,14)$, $(8,15,16)$, $(9,17,18)$, $(9,19,19)$, $(10,19,20)$ with a shortfall of $-1$, $-17/3$, $-17$, $-31$, $-1$, $-143/3$ respectively, and suggesting similar generalizations, all with two of the $q_i$ related by a simple ratio. Here's The OP commented "That is quite surprising. I assumed that is better to look for coprime $q_i$ for counterexamples", and I confess that this surprised me too (though the proof for $(k,k+1,k+1)$ explains the mechanism). Curiously the conjecture seems to be true when the gp code$q_i$ are pairwise coprime; in fact an exhaustive search of the region $q_i \leq 256$ found no counterexamples to the stronger inequality $$ \#(E \cap {\bf Z}^3) - {\rm vol}(E) > q_1. $$ It's not easy even to find examples where the two sides are nearly equal. The smallest ratios that the search turned up all fit the pattern $$ (q_1,q_2,q_3) = (2n^2-3n, 2n^2-2n-1, 2n^2-n-1) $$ with $$ \#(E \cap {\bf Z}^3) - {\rm vol}(E) = 2n^2-2n+5 = q_1 + O(q_1^{1/2}) $$ (any $n>1$). I have not tried to prove that this persists for all $n$, which enumeratesthough I guess it won't be too hard $E \cap {\bf Z}^3$$-$ not as easy as the $(k,k+1,k+1)$ explanation but much easier than proving the inequality for all pairwise coprime $q_1,q_2,q_3$.
Still, even in the pairwise coprime case one soon find counterexamples with $n=3$ to the "Conjecture (strong version)" that $E$ has at least as many lattice points than $E+x$ for any $x \in {\bf R}^n$. We can even take $x = (\frac12, 0, 0)$, and then test the conjecture by setting upcomparing the count of integer points in the $(2q_1,q_2,q_3)$ octahedron with twice the $(q_1,q_2,q_3)$ count. If the former is larger then we have a generating functioncounterexample, and this happens foralready for $(q_1,q_2,q_3) = (5,2,3)$, when $E$ has $49$ integral points but $E+(\frac12,0,0)$ has $50$. There are $30$ more such examples with $\max_i q_i \leq 16$. (As it happens $(2,3,5)$ is the number$n=2$ case of $(x_1,x_2,x_3)$$(2n^2-3n, 2n^2-2n-1, 2n^2-n-1)$, and larger $n$ account for some of the other counterexamples.)
In the previous edit of this answer I gave some needlessly convoluted gp code for computing the difference between the number $L$ of integral points in each octahedral shell$E$ and the volume $\frac43 q_1 q_2 q_3$ of $E$. $\sum_{i=1}^3 \left| x_i \right| / q_i = n / (q_1 q_2 q_3).$Here's a much simpler and faster program, which takes time about $q_1 q_2$ and negligible space, whereas the earlier code (using generating functions) took time and space $q_1 q_2 q_3$.
P(q,H) = sum(n=1,H\q,2*x^(q*n),1+O(x^(H+1)))
D3L3(q1,q2,q3, T) =
T = Psum(q1*q2x1=0, q1*q2*q3) * Pq1,if(q1*q3x1>0, q1*q2*q32,1) *
P(q2*q3, q1*q2*q3);
sum(n=0,q1*q2*q3x2=0,polcoeffq2+(T,n)) - q2*x1)\q1,if(4/3x2>0,2,1)*q1*q2*q3
} *
B(1 =+ 20
d = D3)
if(d<=0,= printL3([q1q1,q2,q3,d]))
))) -