I need to do some explicit computation with algebraic de Rham cohomology on some projective varieties, also some open subsets of them.
I don't know the theory well, but I just search some notes to have an idea how to do the computation.
On p.15 (p.18 on PDF file) of Periods and algebraic deRham cohomologyPeriods and algebraic deRham cohomology by Benjamin Friedrich, there is a long sequence
$ \cdots \rightarrow H_{dR}^{p-1} (D/k) \rightarrow H_{dR}^{p}(X, D/k) \rightarrow H_{dR}^{p} (X/k) \rightarrow H_{dR}^{p} (D/k)\rightarrow H_{dR}^{p+1}(X, D/k) \rightarrow \cdots$
, here $H_{dR}^{p+1}(X, D/k)$ is the relative algebraic de Rham cohomology.
But on pp.10-11 of Note On Algebraic de Rham CohomologyNote On Algebraic de Rham Cohomology, there is
$ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ H_{dR}^{i-1} (U) \rightarrow H_{dR}^{i-2}(Y) \rightarrow H_{dR}^{i} (X/k) \rightarrow H_{dR}^{i} (U)$
which is obtained from logarithmic de Rham complex.
It seems to me that these 2 exact sequences are very different. Is the relative algebraic de Rham cohomology $H_{dR}^{p}(X, D/k)$ the same or related to $H_{dR}^{p}(U, D/k)$ if $U = X \ \backslash \ D$ ? And when one wants to do the computation for the open subvariety, which exact sequence is used?