Bourbaki was right :-) On the other hand, let $(X\ \le)$ be a partially ordered set. In general the family
$$\mathbf B\ \ :=\ \ \{\ ]x,\rightarrow[\ :\ x\in X\ \}$$
is NOT a topological base for any topology in $X$. One reason is trivial: no minimal element belongs to any member of $B$; thus if there is any minimal element then $X$ would not be open.
OK, one could define:
$$\mathbf B\ \ :=\ \ \{X\}\ \cup\ \{\ ]x,\rightarrow[\ :\ x\in X\ \}$$
It will not help. Indeed, here is a characterisationcharacterization of a topological base:
THEOREM A family $\mathbf B$ of subsets of $X$ is a topological base for a topology in $X\quad\Leftrightarrow$ the following two conditions hold:
$\bigcup \mathbf B\ =\ X$
$\forall_{G\ H\in\mathbf B}\quad G\cap H\ =\ \bigcup\ \{K\in \mathbf B : K\subseteq G\cap H\} $
Now consider a 5-element set
$$X := \{b\ \ d\ \ A\ \ C\ \ E\}$$
where by definition there are exactly four sharp inequalities $b < A$ & $b < C$ & $d < C$ & $d < E$. Then the intersection
$$ ]b,\rightarrow[\ \ \cap\ \ ]d,\rightarrow[\quad=\quad \{ C \} $$
is not a union of any family of open rays $ ]x,\rightarrow[ $.