This is not true in general. For example, if $R$ is a free associative algebra of rank $>1$, then $M_n(R)$ does not have nontrivial identities for any $n$.
Moreover, I believe there are examples of algebras $R$ such that much stronger condition holds: $M_n(R)$ is isomorphic to $M_m(R)$ for some $m \ne n$. This reminds cancellation problems in the commutative setting, though I cannot provide examples of such algebras.
This is true if, for example, if $R$ is finite-dimensional and prime (even not necesarynecessary associative). Then we can note that $M_n(R)$ is prime too, pass to the algebraic closure of the base field, and invoke theorem of Razmyslov that finite-dimensional prime algebras over algebraically closed fields are determined by their identities (Yu.P. Razmyslov, Identities of Algebras and Their Representations, AMS, 1994 (translation from Russian), around p. 30).
I was not careful enough when reading the question, sorry. The question explicitly asks for situation when $R$ is a PI algebra, so the example with a free algebra obviously does not qualify.
I still think this is not true in the whole generality: probably just the condition of being unitary is to weak, one should demand something like (semi)primeness.
I can think of two approaches. First, there is a lot of works about identities of tensor product of algebras, and of $M_n(R)$ in particular (typical results: if $R$ satisfies the standard identity of degree $k$, then $M_n(R)$ satisfies the standard identity of some given degree in terms of $n$ and $k$, see e.g. M. Domokos, Eulerian polynomial identities and algebras satisfying a standard identity, J. Algebra 169 (1994), N3, 913-928 DOI: 10.1006/jabr.1994.1317). Second, perhaps one can do something along the lines of Sections 4 and 5 of arXiv:0911.5414.