$$\operatorname{ex}(4k+1,2k,2k) \geq 4k-1$$ if there exists a $(4k-1,2k,k)$-SBIBD. If you don't know what symmetric designs are, seeyou can find the definition in your favorite design theory textbook or, better yet, the original article
Edit: Oops, I forgot to mention this, but when a binary code is not equidistant, you may not be able to turn it into a constant-weight one with one less codeword. So the latter half of this post is assuming that the actual bound is probably the same or not far away from the Johnson bound (which is a bound on the number of codewords of a constant-wight code) if $a$ and $b$ are pretty close. Also, I'm not familiar with the case when $b$ is large (compared to $a$). If you impose a condition such as the code must be linear and have a pair of codewords of distance $b = n$, then I think you can find results if you google "linear self-complementary codes."