Proof. First note that for any two rows $r_i$ and $r_j$ (Edit. containedcontained in the same blockband), it is easy to construct a Sudoku which is correct everywhere except $r_i$ and $r_j$. Thus, one must check at least 2 rows from each blockband, and hence at least 6 rows. By symmetry, one must also check at least 6 columns.
Edit 2. I now can prove that at least 18 checks are necessary. Recall that we have so far established that at least 6 rows (at least 2 from each thirdband), and 6 columns (at least 2 from each thirdstack), and 4 columnssquares are necessary. Therefore, suppose in a minimum set of checks $V$ we have checked $6+r'$ rows, $6+c'$ columns and $4+s'$ squares.
If $s' \geq 2$, then we are done. So, we have checked at most 5 squares. In particular, the set of unchecked squares are not all in the same column or same row. Thus, there are two unchecked squares that are in different rows and in different columns. As mentioned, both of these unchecked squares must have all rows checked or all columns checked. Therefore, $r'+c' \geq 2$, and we are done.
Edit 3. I can now prove that at least 19 checks are necessary. Using the notion from the
previous edit, if $s' \geq 3$, we are done. We define a band $B$ to be tight (for $V$), if $V$ uses all three rows of $B$. If $s'=2$, then at least one band or one stack must be tight, so we are done. If $s'=1$, then by the previous edit we have $r'+c' \geq 2$, and we are done.
The only remaining possibility is if $s'=0$. Thus, there are 5 unchecked squares. Observe that any set of 5 squares must either contain a transversal, a band, or a stack.
If the unchecked squares contain a transversal, then $r'+c' \geq 3$ (since the sum of the tight bands and tight stacks must be at least 3). By symmetry, we may assume that there
is an unchecked band.
Lemma. If there is an unchecked band $B$, then at least two stacks are tight.
Proof. If not, by symmetry we may assume that $s_1, s_2, s_3$ are unchecked and that $c_1$ and $c_4$ are unchecked. By taking a correct Sudoku and swapping the first entry and fourth entries of the first row, we obtain a Sudoku that is correct everywhere, except $s_1, s_2, c_1$, and $c_4$, which is a contradiction.
By the lemma, there are at least two tight stacks. If there are three, then $c' \geq 3$, so we are done. If there are exactly two tight stacks, then the band $B$ itself must be tight, otherwise there is a cell whose row, column and square are all unchecked. Hence $c'+r' \geq 3$, and we are again done.
Remark. There is quite a bit of slack in these arguments, so with enough case analysis, I think one can get to 21 with $\epsilon$ new ideas.