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Apr 19, 2013 at 17:05 comment added Rodrigo A. Pérez "Wenn die Zahl a in der Differenz der Zahlen b, c aufgeht, so werden b und c nach a congruent, im andern Falle incongruent genannt. Die Zahl a nennen wir den Modul. Jede der beiden Zahlen b, c heißt im ersteren Falle Rest, im letzteren aber Nichtrest der anderen." Although, as Chandan points out, the original WAS in latin :)
Apr 19, 2013 at 12:36 comment added Chandan Singh Dalawat Si numerus $a$ numerorum $b$, $c$ differentiam metitur, $b$ et $c$ secundum $a$ congrui dicuntur, sin minus, incongrui...
Apr 19, 2013 at 12:11 comment added Rodrigo A. Pérez When I was an undergraduate in Mexico, an important rite of passage was attending the geometry and number theory courses of A. Barajas. He was a legend as one of the founders of Mathematics in Mexico, having worked with Einstein, and organizing the famous 1956 International Symposium on Algebraic Topology. He always started the number theory class by citing the first chapter of Disquisitiones from memory: "Wenn die zahl $a$..."
Apr 19, 2013 at 11:56 comment added Felipe Voloch The second half (about quadratic forms) is tough going but the first half is just this elegant, concise, well-written introduction to elementary number theory. The proof of quadratic reciprocity is a bit harder than the rest of the first half, but is manageable. If you want to read it for fun, start on page one.
Apr 19, 2013 at 10:59 comment added Thomas Riepe I never tried to read it. It would be great if you tell us more about what of his themes and sections you find most interesting to read!
Apr 19, 2013 at 3:09 history answered Felipe Voloch CC BY-SA 3.0