I understand that there is a universal property which tells me that given a Clifford algebra Cl(V$Cl(V, q)$, q). Then for a linear map f: V -> A$f: V \to A$ (A$A$ any associative algebra) satisfying f(v)f(v) = Q(v) then f satisfying $f(v)f(v) = Q(v)$, $f$ may be extended to a homomorphism between algebras Cl(V) -> A$Cl(V) \to A$.
I am wondering when A$A$ happens to be a Clifford algebra. Do all homomorphismhomomorphisms between Cl(V)$Cl(V)$ and A$A$ arise this way? My guess is not... If not, is there any general way one may check any given linear map between Clifford algebra is a homomorphism?
Thank you!