Let $A$ be an order in the ring of integers $O_K$ of a number field $K$. We claim that there are infinitely many principal maximal ideals $P$ of $A$. By using localization at rational primes, we have a bijection between the sets of maximal ideals of $A$ and $O_K$ with residue characteristic relatively prime to $N = [O_K:A]$ via $P \mapsto P \cap A$ and $P' \mapsto P'O_K$.
In this way, we see that it is harmless to replace $A$ by a sub-order, so we may assume $A = \mathbf{Z} + M O_K$ for an integer $M > 0$. For $x \in 1 + MO_K$, we have $A \cap xO_K = xA$. Indeed, if $y \in O_K$ and $xy = c + Mt$ for $t \in O_K$ then we have to show that $y \in \mathbf{Z} + M O_K$, but this is clear since $xy \equiv c \bmod M O_K$ and $x \equiv 1 \bmod M O_K$. Hence, if $xO_K$ is a prime ideal of $O_K$ then $xA$ is a prime ideal of $A$, so it suffices to construct infinitely many maximal ideals $P$ of $O_K$ admitting a generator congruent to 1 modulo $M O_K$.
This latter formulation does not mention the order at all, and is a special case of the more general fact that for any nonzero ideal $J$ of $O_K$ whatsoever, $O_K$ has infinitely many principal maximal ideals $P$ admitting a generator $x \equiv 1 \bmod J$. The existence of infinitely many such $P$ follows from the method of proof of the "abelian" case of the Chebotarev Density Theorem (using generalized ideal class characters in the role of Dirichlet characters in the proof of Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions). So tacitly here we are using the basic analytic properties of $L$-functions attached to characters of generalized ideal class groups (which can be proved in various ways, such as using $\zeta$-functions and class field theory if one wants to be ahistorical).