Let $C$ be a smooth projective connected complex curve of genus $\geq 2$. Let me show that if $1\leq d\leq g-1$, $C^{(d)}$ is of general type if $1\leq d\leq g-1$.
Equivalently, one needs to show that the image $W_d$ of $C^{(d)}$ in the jacobian $J(C)$ is of general type, because $C^{(d)}\to W_d$ is birational. If $W_d$ were not of general type, then, by [Ueno, Classification of algebraic varieties I, Theorem 3.10], there would be a non-trivial sub-abelianabelian variety $A\subset J(C)$ such that $W_d$ is stable by translation by $A$ (this is the argument in MP's comment above). But then, $W_{g-1}$ would also be stable by translation by $A$. Now choose a point $P$$x$ outside of $W_{g-1}$ and consider the orbit $A\cdot P$$A.x$ : it is a positive-dimensional variety avoiding $W_{g-1}$. This is a contradiction because $W_{g-1}$ is an ample divisor: it is the theta divisor.