Now, consider the tree $T' = T \setminus l_1$. In $T'$,
$u$ is still a center because $d_{T'}(v)$ is either $d_{T}(v)$ or $d_{T}(v) - 1$ for every $v \in V(T) \setminus l_1$,
and $d_T(u)$ used to be the unique minimum in $T$. (But there might be another center inof $T'$.)
- There is another center inof $T'$.
Suppose $u$ is the unique center inof $T'$. Let $\phi$ be a non-trivial automorphism in $T'$.
Let $p(l_1)$ be the parent (the unique neighbor) of $l_1$ in $T$.
Notice that $\phi$ does not fix $p(l_1)$ because otherwise we can extend $\phi$ to $T$
by assigning $\phi(l_1) = l_1$.
On the other hand, $\phi$ fixes $u$ since it is the unique center inof $T'$.
Let $P$ be the path from $u$ to $p(l_1)$ in $T'$.
Then, it is clear that $\phi$ fixes a sub-path $P'$ of $P$ containing $u$,
and $\phi$ does not fix the other part of the path containing $p(l_1)$.
Let $u'$ be the last vertex of $P'$. ($u'$ might be equal to $u$.)
Then, $T' \setminus u'$ has (at least) two components which are isomorphic. And one of them must contain $p(l_1)$
since otherwise we can extend $\phi$ to $T$.
Let $C_1$ and $C_2$ be those isomorphic components in $T' \setminus u'$ and say $p(l_1) \in C_1$.
In particular $|C_1| = |C_2|$. But in $T$, $C_1 \cup l_1$ and $C_2$ are two components of $T \setminus u'$
and $|C_1 \cup l_1| > |C_2|$.
This is a contradiction to our choice of $l_1$. This proves (1).
Let $v$ be the other center inof $T'$.
$u$ used to be the unique center of $T$, but now $u$ and $v$ are two centers in $T \setminus l_1$.
Therefore it must be the case that
$$d_{T'}(u) = d_T(u) = d_{T'}(v) = d_T(v) - 1$$
- $u$ is still a center inof $T''$, but $v$ is not.
$u$ is still a center inof $T''$ as it was in $T'$.
But, $v$ is not a center inof $T''$ since $d_{T''}(v) = dist_{T''}(v,l_1) = d_{T}(v) > d_{T}(u) \geq d_{T''}(u)$. This proves (6).
Again, there might be another center inof $T''$.
And if there is one, then it must be in $T_u$ since $v$ is not a center inof $T''$.
For the sake of contradiction, suppose $\phi'$ fixes $v$. Then $u$ is fixed as well because
$u$ is the unique center among the neighbors of $v$ (although $u$ might not be the unique center inof $T''$.)
By the similar argument as before, the parent of $l_2$ is not fixed by $\phi'$
and this yields a contradiction to the fact that $l_2$ is a special leaf with respect to $v$.
This proves (7).
Clearly, $\phi'(v)$ is in $T_u$ since it is adjacent to a center inof $T''$ and not equal to $v$.
Then, there must be some component $C$ of $T'' \setminus u$ either isomorphic to $T_v \setminus l_2$ or contains it.
In any case, $C$ has size at least $|T_v \setminus l_2|$. Let $n = |T_v|$.
Suppose $u$ is the unique center inof $T'$.
Let $\phi$ be a non-trivial automorphism of $T'$.
Then, $\phi$ does not fix $v$ since otherwise we get a contradiction to our choice of $l_2$.
Then the component $T_v \setminus l_2$ of $T' \setminus u$ is isomorphic to some other component $C$ of $T' \setminus u$.
Note that $$|C| = |T_v \setminus l_2| = |T_v| - 1$$
Since $C$ is a subset of $V(T_u) \setminus \{u\}$,
$$|T_u| \geq |C| + 1 = |T_v|$$
Therefore $|T_u| = |T_v|$. And $T' \setminus u$ has exactly two components, namely $C$ and $T_v \setminus l_2$.
We may assume there is a vertex of degree at least 3 in $T_v \setminus l_2$, since otherwise $T$ is a path.
But then, $x \geq y+1$ and this is a contradiction to our assumption ($x \leq y$ if $|T_u| = |T_v|$).
Therefore $u$ is not the unique center inof $T'$.
This means that $d_{T'}(u) = d_T(u)$ and $v$ is still a center as well.
This proves (1).
Note that either $d_{T'}(v) = d_T(v)-1$ or $d_{T'}(v) = d_T(v)$.
In the former case, $v$ is the unique center inof $T''$, and in the latter case, $u$ and $v$ are again two centers of $T''$.
Therefore if there is another center, then it must be $u$.
For the sake of contradiction, suppose $u$ is another center inof $T''$.
Since $\phi'$ does not fix $u$, it switches $u$ and $v$.
Then, $T_u \setminus l_1$ is isomorphic to $T_v$, but $|T_u \setminus l_1| = |T_u| - 1 = |T_v| - 2 \neq |T_v|$.
A contradiction. This proves (3).