Now, youone may be thinkingwonder, "But suppose I start with some linear total differential system $$ \frac{\partial u^a}{\partial x^i} = \Gamma^a_{bi}(x) u^b \tag{1} $$ in local coordinates. Does this apply?" The answer is 'yes': You regard One regards the $u^a$ as the components of a section $s = (u^a)$ of a trivialized vector bundle $S$ and the matrices $\Gamma_i = \bigl(\Gamma^a_{bi}(x)\bigr)$ as sections of $\mathrm{End}(S)$ and you defineone defines a connection $\nabla$ on this trivial bundle by the rule $$ \nabla_{\frac{\partial}{\partial x^i}}s = \frac{\partial s}{\partial x^i} - \Gamma_i\ s. $$ Then the curvature of $\nabla$ vanishes if and only if the Frobenius conditions are satisfied for the system (1).
If you haveone has an inhomogeneous linear system $$ \frac{\partial u^a}{\partial x^i} = \Gamma^a_{bi}(x) u^b + \Lambda^a(x), \tag{2} $$$$ \frac{\partial u^a}{\partial x^i} = \Gamma^a_{bi}(x) u^b + \Lambda^a_i(x), \tag{2} $$ youone can convert it to a homogeneous system by replacing $\Lambda^a(x)$$\Lambda^a_i(x)$ by $\Lambda^a(x)u^0$$\Lambda^a_i(x)u^0$ in the above equation and adjoining the equations $$ \frac{\partial u^0}{\partial x^i} = 0, $$ making it a homogeneous linear system in one more variable. (Effectively, one allows the $a$ and $b$ indices (which run from, say, $1$ to $s$) to attain the value $0$, and sets $\Gamma^0_{bi}= \Gamma^0_{0i}=0$ and $\Gamma^a_{0i}=\Lambda^a_i$.) Again, the Frobenius conditions are equivalent to the vanishing of the curvature of the connection associated to the augmented system (now in $s{+}1$ unknowns rather than $s$ unknowns).
If you go whole hogone goes all the way to a fully nonlinear total differential system, say, $$ \frac{\partial u^a}{\partial x^i} = \Gamma^a_{i}(x,u), \tag{3} $$ then youone can't (usually) reformulate this as the vanishing of the covariant derivatives of a section of something. However, there is still a 'covariant' coordinate-free interpretation of the Frobenius condition in terms of a tensor, but the tensor is defined on the total space $S$ (which has the $x$'s and $u$'s as local coordinates). The point is then, that, on $S$, you haveone has a plane field $D$ (sometimes called a 'distribution') defined by the Pfaffian equations $$ du^a - \Gamma^a_{i}(x,u)\ dx^i = 0 $$ (summation on $i$ intended). Associated to this plane field $D\subset TS$, there is a natural skew-symmetric linear operator $$ \Phi: D\times D \to TS{\bigl/}D $$ i.e., a section of the bundle $\bigl(TS{\bigl/}D\bigr)\otimes \Lambda^2(D^\ast)$ over $S$ that vanishes if and only if the system (3) satisfies the Frobenius conditions. It is this operator that is the 'covariant' interpretation of the Frobenius integrability conditions. Of course, this operator is defined via the Lie bracket. On sections $X$ and $Y$ of $D$, it is just $$ \Phi(X,Y) \equiv [X,Y]\ \mathrm{mod}\ D, $$ so one gets the usual statement that the Frobenius integrability conditions are equivalent to the condition that the sections of $D$ be closed under Lie bracket.
Finally, to get back to when youone can interpret the Frobenius conditions as the vanishing of the curvature of a connection, there is a rather general formulation of this that goes back all the way to Lie: Suppose that the system (3) can be written in the form $$ \frac{\partial u^a}{\partial x^i} = \Gamma^a_{i}(x,u) = \gamma_{i\sigma}(x) F^{a\sigma}(u), \tag{4} $$ for some functions $\gamma_{i\sigma}$ of $x$ and $F^{a\sigma}$ of $u$ (where summation over a new index $\sigma$ is assumed), and, further, assume that the vector fields $$ U^\sigma = F^{a\sigma}(u)\ \frac{\partial\ \ }{\partial u^a} $$ form a Lie algebra $L$, i.e., that there exist constants $c_\sigma^{\rho\tau}=-c_\sigma^{\tau\rho}$ such that $[U^\rho,U^\tau] = c_\sigma^{\rho\tau}U^\sigma$. Then the system (4) is what is known as a system of Lie type. To
To avoid degenerate situations, one can assume, without loss of generality, that the $U^\sigma$ are a basis of $L$, so let's do that. In this case, one has that the Frobenius integrability condition for (4) is equivalent to the vanishing of the curvature of the $L$-valued connection $1$-form $$ \omega = U^\sigma\ \gamma_{i\sigma}(x)\ dx^i. $$ The use of this form of the equations belongs in the theory of symmetry analysis of differential equations, about which there is a very large literature.