[This part does not require a restriction on the characteristic.]
As far as (semi-)stability goes, since $U$ is not projective, it doesn't make much sense to ask on $U$. You could ask if it is relatively semi-stable, or semi-stable on the fibers. From the short exact sequence $(\star)$ you can see that its degree on any fiber is $0$ and an argument similar to the proof of Claim 2 says that any sub-line bundle would have to have degree at most $0$. (For any sub line bundle, if the induced map to $\mathscr O$ is non-trivial, then this is clear, if it is trivial, then it has to be contained in the kernel, which is also $\mathscr O$, so again clear.) So, this is actually semi-stable on every fiber. Since it contains a copy of $\mathscr O$, it is not stable.