Editing with response to comments:
I'm not sure what you guys are doing that it doesn't work for you, but here how it runs on
2 2 -1000 -1000 2 2 -2 2 2 2 2 -2 -2 2 2 -1000 -1000 2 2 2
with average 2:
Step 1: remove 2:
Step 1: partial summation left to right:
Step 3:
Min positions (strict!) counting from the left:
0: 0, 3: -1002, 4: -2004, 7: -2008, 12: -2012, 13: -2016, 14: -3018, 15: -4020,
Max positions (strict) counting from the right:
2: 0, 3: -2002, 6: -2004, 11: -2008, 12: -2012, 13: -2016, 14: -3018, 18: -4020,
Steps 4,5. Put the marker B (beginning-1) and E (end) at the leftmost possible positions: B=0,E=2. Record the length 2 and the interval [1,2]
Try moving E to the right with this B. Impossible.
Change B to 3 (value -1002). Try to move E to the right. Impossible
B=4 (-2004) Now E can go to te right to 6 (-2004). Same length. No record.
B=7 (-2008) E goes (from the previous position, not from the beginning!) to 11 (-2008) Length 4>2, interval [8,11]. Record.
B=12 (-2012) E goes to 12. Length 0, no record.
B=13 (-2016), E goes to 13. Length 0, no record.
B=14 (-3018), E goes to 14. Length 0, no record.
B=15 (-4020), E goes to 18. Length 3<4, no record, reached the end, terminate, output [8,11].