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Poincare' Poincaré 3-homology sphere

Can the Poincare'3Poincaré $3$-homology sphere be smoothly embeded in R^4$\mathbb R^4$? If it is not the case, how can we fix it?

Poincare' 3-homology sphere

Can the Poincare'3-homology sphere be smoothly embeded in R^4? If it is not the case, how can we fix it?

Poincaré 3-homology sphere

Can the Poincaré $3$-homology sphere be smoothly embeded in $\mathbb R^4$? If it is not the case, how can we fix it?

Post Closed as "off topic" by Dan Petersen, David White, Ian Agol, Oscar Randal-Williams, Chris Gerig
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Poincare' 3-homology sphere

Can the Poincare'3-homology sphere be smoothly embeded in R^4? If it is not the case, how can we fix it?