As Will Sawin suggests, the answer to the last version of the question is negative. If we tak $G$ to be a non-Abelian finite simple group which is not a doubly transitive permutation group, and $\chi$ to be a non-trivial complex irreducible character of last degree o $G,$ then it is impossible to write $chi$$\chi$ + any multiple of tehthe trivial character as a sum of characters each induced from linear characters of (not necssarilynecessarily proper) subgroups. For if $\lambda$ is a non-trivial linear character of a proper subgroup $H$ of $G,$ then ${\rm Ind}_{H}^{G}(\lambda)$ does not contain the trivial character by Frobenius reciprocity. Neither can it be $\chi$, for otherwise ${\rm Ind}_{H}^{G}(1)$ would have a trivial constituent, and at least one non-trivial irreducible constituent $\mu$. But then $\mu(1) < \chi(1)$, contrary to the choice of $\chi.$ On the other hand,if $H$ is a proper subgroup of $G$, the permutation character ${\rm Ind}_{H}^{G}(1)$ only contains the trivial character once, but it can't be $1 + \chi,$ for otherwise $G$ would be a doubly transitive permutation character on the cosets of $H$ in $G,$ contrary to the choice of $G.$