I am sorry I probably can say nothing on the "detailed question", but let me comment on the "basic" one.
I spent some time on the bookbook
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication
David Tse and Pramod Viswanath
Here is link to pdf with lectures by D. Tse based on it.
The book is intended for wireless signal processing, with some examples related to GSM, CDMA. It covers basic ideas: the transmission chain, fading channel; Shannon's channel's capacity theory. Advanced topics like MIMO.
I think it is quite good for mathematician learning something about wireless communication.
One of the authors - D. Tse is leading expert in this field and his approach is quite mathematical,
see e.g. paper
L. Zheng and D. Tse, ``Communicating on the Grassmann Manifold: A Geometric Approach to the Non-coherent Multiple Antenna Channel'', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 48(2), February 2002, pp. 359-383.
The geometry of Grassmann manifold appears to be related with capacity of MIMO channels.