Jerry Shurman has a [lovely set of notes][1]lovely set of notes explaining the classical definition of Hecke characters, the idelic definition of Hecke characters, their relationship, and the classification of algebraic Hecke characters for $\mathbb{Q}$ as Dirichlet characters. He also gives a single family of examples of algebraic Hecke characters with infinite order, namely $\displaystyle \chi: \mathbb{Z}[i] \to \mathbb{C}^{\times}$ given by $\displaystyle \chi(z) = \left(\frac{z}{|z|}\right)^{4n}$ for integers $n$.
It's clear that one has essentially the same family for imaginary quadratic number fields with class number $1$. But what about imaginary quadratic fields with higher class number? I imagine that one has one family analogous to the one above for each ideal class, but I don't know what they should look like...
What do infinite image algebraic Hecke characters for real quadratic fields look like? Because the unit group is infinite, one can't kill the unit group as above, by putting a $4$ in the exponent... [1]: