Let us consider a 2-dimensional unit disk $U_0$ with a puncture at $0$ and some Riemannian metric $g$ on it, which is $\textbf{flat}$ near the puncture. ( Remark: $g$ might not be extendedable to the metric on the whole unit disk $U$). As an example think about the ice-cream cone.
We also require that $0$ is a puncture and not a removed disk or a point at infinity. Frankly speaking I am not quite sure how to express this condition correctly, but let us formally express it this way: $g$ is locally (near removed $0$) isometric to some metric $G=G_{ij}$ on the punctured $xy$-plane where $G$ is a matrix, representing the metric tensor in the punctured neighbourhood of $0$ and satisfying $|G|< C$ and $|G^{-1}|< C$ for any $(x,y)\neq (0,0)$.
We call any two such metrics $g_1$ and $g_2$ locally equivalent if there are two punctured neighbourhoods of $0$ ( small enough) $U^1$ and $U^2$ so that $(U^1,g_1)$ is isometric to $(U^2, g_2)$.
Question: what is the moduli space of locally equivalentsuch equivalence classes of flat punctured metrics?