For $G$ a graph, let $\alpha(G)$ be its independence number and $\Theta(G)=\lim_n \sqrt[n]{\alpha(G^{\boxtimes})}$ its Shannon capacityShannon capacity, where $\boxtimes$ denotes strong productstrong product.
Consider graphs $G$ and $H$ satisfying $\alpha(G)=\Theta(G)$ and $\alpha(H)=\Theta(H)$. For example, $G$ and $H$ could be perfect, but the more interesting situations arise when neither of them is perfect.
Question: Does this assumption imply
(1) $\alpha(G\boxtimes H) = \alpha(G)\alpha(H)$ ?
(2) $\Theta(G\boxtimes H) = \Theta(G)\Theta(H)$ ?
(3) $\Theta(G + H) = \Theta(G) + \Theta(H)$ ?
Here, $G+H$ stands for the disjoint union of $G$ and $H$.
If my reasoning is correct, then (1) and (2) are equivalent and imply (3).
As far as I can see, neither the work of HaemersHaemers nor the results of Alon have anything directly to say about these questions. But then again, I am not an expert on this, so I might have missed something obvious.
Edit (see Will Traves' answer): Actually, I am specifically interested in those $G$ and $H$ which are well-coveredwell-covered.