In another questionanother question I asked about strategies for giving an effective version of the Shafarevich conjecture for abelian varieties over $\mathbb{Q}$.
For elliptic curves, one can give a proof using Baker's work on linear forms in logarithmsone can give a proof using Baker's work on linear forms in logarithms. Another proof comes from the modularity of elliptic curves, owing to the fact that spaces of weight 2 cusp forms for congruence subgroups of $SL(2, \mathbb{Z})$ are finite dimensional.
For higher dimensional abelian varieties, one no longer has Baker's work on linear forms in logarithms, but one can hope to show that those of a given conductor and dimension correspond to automorphic forms which inhabit a finite dimensional vector space, and determine the dimension of this vector space to obtain a count for the number of abelian varieties. (One can even hope to write down the first few Euler factors of their L-functions.)
Is there a conjecture as to precisely which automorphic forms abelian varieties (over $\mathbb{Q}$) of a given conductor correspond to? If so, are these spaces known to be finite dimensional. If so, are the relevant automorphic forms computable?
Here I mean "automorphic form corresponding to Galois representations coming from $H^1$ of the abelian variety." Faltings proved that if two abelian varieties have the same $\ell$-adic Tate-modules then they're isogenous, and Raynaud and Masser-Wustholz proved an effective version of the finiteness of isogeny classes. So affirmative answers to the questions above together with their proofs would provide a way to count abelian varieties of a given conductor.