- Lagrange's four square theorem
- High-speed computer multiplication using the FFT
- The zeta function and the Riemann hypothesis (i.e. to understand what they are and why they're related to prime numbers; they're not expected to prove the RH)
- Descriptions of extremely big numbers (Conway's chained-arrow notation and its recursive definition, and stuff like that.)
- Proof of Fermat's last theorem for exponent 4 (I think this is supposed to be pretty accessible)
- Hilbert's tenth problem
- Basics of error-correcting codes
- Heuristic estimates for difficult or unsolved problems like FLT, Goldbach, etc. (see e.g. http://terrytao.wordpress.com/2012/09/18/the-probabilistic-heuristic-justification-of-the-abc-conjecture/ )
- combinatorial identities
- The formula $1+2+\cdots+n=n(n-1)/2$ is well known. What are the corresponding formulas for sum of squares, cubes, etc.? This may be closer to high-school level.
- the Ulam spiral