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Post Closed as "not constructive" by José Figueroa-O'Farrill, Ilya Nikokoshev, Qiaochu Yuan, user350, S. Carnahan
Post Made Community Wiki by Ben Webster
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Pete L. Clark
  • 65.4k
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What are Quantitatively speaking, which subject area in mathematics is currently the most fashion branches of math nowresearch active?

I was wondering if there is a list of the most fashionable/activeactive branches of mathemticsmathematics?

If MathOverflow wasis a representative sample, then it turs that algebraic geomatrygeometry is by far the most popular. Is is Is this the case?

What are most fashion branches of math now?

I was wondering if there is a list of most fashionable/active branches of mathemtics?

If MathOverflow was a representative sample then it turs that algebraic geomatry is by far the most popular. Is is the case?

Quantitatively speaking, which subject area in mathematics is currently the most research active?

I was wondering if there is a list of the most active branches of mathematics?

If MathOverflow is a representative sample, then algebraic geometry is by far the most popular. Is this the case?

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Piotr Miłoś
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What are most fashion branches of math now?

I was wondering if there is a list of most fashionable/active branches of mathemtics?

If MathOverflow was a representative sample then it turs that algebraic geomatry is by far the most popular. Is is the case?