This question is inspired by thisthis and this. But it is not a duplicate, read on. Please don't close it: I choose to be anonymous just not to be identified.
About to be on the job market, disenchanted with academia, bored by the teaching load in grad school, I have to make ends meet (by, say, finding a job somewhere). I've seen math people finding non-math jobs. But they seem to know some math that can be ``applied'', e.g. stochastic process or combinatorics. Trained as an algebraic geometer, I don't have a strong background on those stuff or anything that helps job hunting ---- knowing things about the Weil conjecture doesn't seem to be a plus. I don't think I will enjoy a teaching job in college much either.
I would guess I'm not the only one in this situation.
Question: Can anyone here give some career suggestions?
(P.S. I'm in US now but not a US citizen, so National Security Agency or similar jobs appear in answers to similar posts are really not in my list.)