Orientable circle bundle with torsion Euler class have been studied systematically. There are exactly the flat $SO(2)$-bundles, see "A Remark on Torsion Euler Classes of Circle Bundles" by Miyoshi or "Flat circle bundles, pullbacks, and the circle made discrete" "Flat circle bundles, pullbacks, and the circle made discrete" by Oprea-Tanré (I could not find a link for the latter).
It is a standard fact that any flat $G$-bundle over a (connected) finite cell complex $X$ can be written as $(\tilde X\times G)/\pi_1(X)$ where $\tilde X$ is the universal cover and $\pi_1(X)$ acts by deck transformations on the first factor, and via some homomorphism $\pi_1(X)\to G$ on the second factor. Thus all examples look like the one given by Anton.
As a caution I wish to point out that many people also studied flat circle bundles with $G=Diff(S^1)$. The answer there is different, namely one gets the so called Milnor-Wood inequality as a condition on the Euler class.