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Bounty Ended with Igor Rivin's answer chosen by Jonujohn
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How to calculate the DeRham cohomology of the free loop space $LM= C^\infty(S^1,M)$ as a Frechet manifold?.

Edit: It will be enough for me to know: When $H^1_{DR}(LM)$ is not $\{0\}$.

Bounty is ending within 5 hours.

How to calculate the DeRham cohomology of the free loop space $LM= C^\infty(S^1,M)$ as a Frechet manifold?.

Edit: It will be enough for me to know: When $H^1_{DR}(LM)$ is not $\{0\}$.

How to calculate the DeRham cohomology of the free loop space $LM= C^\infty(S^1,M)$ as a Frechet manifold?.

Edit: It will be enough for me to know: When $H^1_{DR}(LM)$ is not $\{0\}$.

Bounty is ending within 5 hours.

Bounty Started worth 50 reputation by Jonujohn
added 89 characters in body; deleted 30 characters in body
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What is a good reference that discusses calculating theHow to calculate the DeRham cohomology of the free loop space $C^\infty(S^1,M)$$LM= C^\infty(S^1,M)$ as a Frechet manifold?.

Edit: It will be enough for me to know: When $H^1_{DR}(LM)$ is not $\{0\}$.

What is a good reference that discusses calculating the DeRham cohomology of the free loop space $C^\infty(S^1,M)$ as a Frechet manifold?

How to calculate the DeRham cohomology of the free loop space $LM= C^\infty(S^1,M)$ as a Frechet manifold?.

Edit: It will be enough for me to know: When $H^1_{DR}(LM)$ is not $\{0\}$.

I don't know how to include the accent aigue here...
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Jon Bannon
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Loop space: De Rham cohomologyycohomology

Can i get some literature/reference, which talk aboutWhat is a good reference that discusses calculating De-Rham Cohomologythe DeRham cohomology of Freethe free loop space $C^\infty(S^1,M)$ as a Frechet manifold...?

Loop space: De Rham cohomologyy

Can i get some literature/reference, which talk about calculating De-Rham Cohomology of Free loop space $C^\infty(S^1,M)$ as Frechet manifold...

Loop space: De Rham cohomology

What is a good reference that discusses calculating the DeRham cohomology of the free loop space $C^\infty(S^1,M)$ as a Frechet manifold?

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