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Jul 16, 2012 at 17:34 comment added Dima Pasechnik Geoff, thanks, I stand corrected. I've removed the wrong comment. I'll dig the stuff on spinor norm up when/if I get to teach graduate group theory :–)
Jul 15, 2012 at 13:18 comment added Geoff Robinson @M.B. I do not think you are making a mistake. I think the Spinor norm homomorphism has different kernel from the determinant in odd characteristic.
Jul 15, 2012 at 8:57 history edited Dima Pasechnik CC BY-SA 3.0
an example added
Jul 14, 2012 at 20:46 comment added Natalie you should also have a look at Kleidman and Liebeck's book The Subgroup Structure of the Finite Classical Groups". $\Omega$ is the group you are looking at and which is explained there in detail.
Jul 14, 2012 at 18:39 comment added Dima Pasechnik says "Dickson invariant can be defined as D(f)= rank (I-f) modulo 2, where I is the identity (Taylor 1992, Theorem 11.43). Over fields that are not of characteristic 2 it is equivalent to the determinant: the determinant is −1 to the power of the Dickson invariant." I don't know. At least I am glad that I wrote "(sometimes you might have to take the commutator subgroup)" in my answer. :–)
Jul 14, 2012 at 18:10 comment added M.B Dima: If the spinor norm is not trivial then $SO^+_{2n}(\mathbb{F}_p)$ is not perfect. I am looking at the O'Meara's book on "Introduction to Quadratic Forms" page 139 lemma 55:2a, which shows that spinor norm is not trivial. Where am I making mistake?
Jul 14, 2012 at 18:01 comment added Dima Pasechnik according to Wikipedia, Dickson invariant only matters in even characteristic. In odd characteristic it cuts out the same normal subgroup as the determinant.
Jul 14, 2012 at 17:57 comment added Dima Pasechnik Geoff, are you saying that for $p$ even one actually would have an index 2 subgroup regardless, as $SO^+_{2n}(p)=O^+{2n}(p)=D_n(p)$ in this case, but one still has nontrivial Dickson invariant? Then, oops, my last comment is only true for $p$ odd. As a lame excuse I can only say that my copy of the Atlas is in the office :–)
Jul 14, 2012 at 17:51 comment added M.B Geoff: Here I am considering the special orthogonal group, then the determinant map is a trivial map. Let me mention that, by $SO^+_{2n}(\mathbb{F}_p)$ I mean, the special orthogonal group of the identity matrix $I_{2n}$. But it is not clear to me that why the spinor norm should be a trivial map. If the spinor norm is not trivial then, indeed this implies that $SO^+_{2n}(\mathbb{F}_p)$ is not perfect. Would you please tell me why the spinor norm is not trivial?
Jul 14, 2012 at 17:36 comment added Geoff Robinson I find the "standard" notation for orthogonal groups confusing. When $p$ is odd, the usual orthogonal group in even dimension has more than one normal subgroup of index $2$. As well as the kernel of the determinant, there is the kernel of the spinor norm.
Jul 14, 2012 at 16:59 comment added M.B Let just consider $SO_{2n}^+(\mathbb{F}_p)$, for $n\geq 3$. Is it true now that, this group is perfect?
Jul 14, 2012 at 16:11 history answered Dima Pasechnik CC BY-SA 3.0