Actually, we can do even better (although, although these may be relatively "small" adjustments) ... Specifically,: by playing with various ways to start a long embedding-free sequence, one can do better thanimprove upon the one shown belowsequence constructed by Friedman (displayed below), but still using his method of coding $n()$- or $F()$-type longest word-sequences via certain subtrees. For example, one can find sequences that demonstrate (in Deedlit's notation)
$N \ = \ F_{\omega}^3 \\ F_{\omega+1} \ F_{\omega}^2 \ F(4)$$N \ = \ F_\omega F_\omega F_\omega F_{\omega+1} F_\omega F_\omega \ F(4)$
with $F_\alpha$ being a fast-growing hierarchy that begins with $F_0 = F$ (rather, rather than beginning as usual with $F_0(x) = x+1$). (Friedman showed that $F$ eventually dominates every $f_{\lt \omega^\omega}$ in the usual fast-growing hierarchy.)
I've posted a very terse derivation-sketch of this result.
Rather than "is not a subtree of", that should be "is not homeomorphically embedded inembeddable into", which is a very much more stringent requirement. (There might not even exist a longest such sequence in the less-stringent case. A similar situation occurs for Friedman's $n()$ functionand -$F()$ functions concerning word- in that case, the relationsequences: these use "is not a subsequence of" is more stringentrather than the less-stringent "is not a substring of" --, there being no longest sequenceword-sequence in the latter case.) With this correction, and by starting with $T_2$, the length of the resulting sequence will of course be TREE(3) - 1.
BTW, aA convenient representationway of TREE(3) usesrepresenting these trees is to use nested bracket expressions (well-formed in the usual way with pairs of matching brackets) involving only three bracket-types -- say (),
-- each rooted tree being uniquely represented by a nest of such brackets (up to isomorphism with respect to sibling order). A lower bound on TREE(3) is then the length of a longest sequence $(T_1,T_2,T_3,T_4,…,T_n)$$(X_1,X_2,…,X_n)$ of nests such that each $T_k$$X_k$ has at most $k$ bracket pairs and for no $i \lt j$$X_i$ is $T_i$ embedded in a later $T_j$. Here$X_j$, where $X$ is embedded in $Y$ means that $X$ can be obtained from $Y$ by erasing zero or more pairs of matching bracketbrackets. (Thus, if $X$ is not embedded in $Y$, then the tree represented by $X$ is not inf-pairsand-label-preserving embeddable into the tree represented by $Y$; the converse, however, does not hold.)
(Note that, because Because $T_1$$X_1$ must be some single bracket pair-pair which cannot then appear in any later nest in an embedding-free sequence, an equivalent definition is obtained by assumingit may be assumed that $T_1=\ $$X_1=\ ${}
, so TREE(3) is one greater than the length of a longest embedding-free sequence $(T_2,T_3,T_4,…,T_n)$ (starting with index 2) ofall later nests formed as before but using only the two bracket types-types (),[]
Another thing to Also, note is that TREE(3) assumes rootedconcerns trees with unordered siblings, so, for example, the nests ([]())
and (()[])
are not regarded as distinct. Some(Some authors have treated wqo's for rooted trees with ordered siblings, with corresponding "longest sequence" results.)